This blog is my own interpretation of events. Any mistakes are my own.
In 1750 a Doctor Thomas Walker first tracked a route through the Appalachian Mountains. When he found the Cumberland Gap, he named it after the english Duke. An unknown frontiersman by the name of Daniel Boone explored the Gap and the Wilderness Road.
Over time this route became the main thoroughfare between Kentucky and South-West Virginia through the mountains. Therefore it became an area of conflict firstly between European settlers and Native Americans, then the Civil War.
At the northern end of the Gap was Kentucky which was a divided state and both sides were tussling for control. At the southern end, The Union wanted to protect their supporters in East Tennessee..
For the Confederate Government, they wished to protect the southern end of the Gap to stop Union access to South-Western Virginia and protect its supporters also in its immediate neighbour to the west, Tennessee.
A Union force under the command of Albin F. Schoepe marched into the Northern end of the Gap and took up postions on both sides of the road, facing south,around Hoosiers Knob.
From South-West Virginia, Brigadier General Felix Zollicoffer advanced his force north to drive out the Union troops.-----
Here is the map;
The Union Army; 3,650 [ 3.650 points x 5 = 18 points r/d ].
1 General [ Schoepe ] @ 1 point.
7th Kentucky infantry [ 600 ]. 1 stand of 2nd class Line Inf @ 2 points.
17th Ohio infantry [850]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Inf @ 2 points = 4 pts.
7th Kentucky Home Guard [ 600]. 2 stands of 3rd class Line Inf @ 1 point = 2 pts.
33rd Indiana infantry [ 700 ]. 4 stands of 3rd class Line Inf @ 1 point = 4 points.
14th Ohio infantry [ 300 ]. 1 stand of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points.
1st Ohio Artillery Battery [ 4 guns + 150 gunners ]. 1 stand of Light Artillery @ 1pt.
1st Kentucky Cavalry [ 450 ]. 1 stand of Line Cavalry 2 points.
Union Reinforcements;
General Schoepe wasn,t sure if he could hold his position with the troops he had. He sent urgent messages to his superiors for support.
General Theophilius T. Gerrard was sent with more troops. In the event, they were not used but I have included them here for completeness.
2,400 [2.400 points x 5 = 12 points ].
1 General [ Gerrard ] @ 1 point.
38th Ohio infantry [ 800 ] 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 points.
1st East Tennessee infantry [800 ]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 pts = 4 pts.
2nd East Tennessee infantry [800 ]. 3 stands of 3rd class Line Infantry @ 1 pt = 3 pts.
Confederate Army 4,644. [4.644 points x 5 = 23 points r/d ]
1 General [ Zollicoffer ] @ 1 point.
15th Mississippi infantry [850]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 pts.
11th Tennessee infantry [880]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 pts.
17th Tennessee infantry [914]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 pts.
20th Tennessee infantry [880]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 pts.
29th Tennessee infantry [700]. 2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4pts.
Battery (A) Tennessee Artillery [ 4 guns + 150 gunners ]. 1 stand of Lt Artillery @ 1 pt.
2nd Tennessee Cavalry Battalion [300]. 1 stand @ 1 point.
Here are the figures laid out for battle;
Most of the information on this battle was obtained from the Camp Wildcat Battlefield Trust site. I managed to find out unit strengths at the start of the war but, i dont know how accurate they are.
The battle was played out on a 3 foot x 2 foot board. ( 90cm x 60cm ).
Much of the scenery was made up of cork tiles and Garden Kneeling Pads bought from Wikinsons for a pound each. These can be cut with a craft knife. The trees are from various manufacturers. The house is from Peter Pig.
The large mountain-like scenery pieces on the left of the board are rough cut pieces of polystyrene packaging on cardboard.
The figures are a mix of Peter Pig and Miniature Figurines. The flags are from Peter Pig. The bases are 40mm square picture framing cardboard. The round bases are 40mm mdf from Minibits.
A Note on Scenery:
I have bases of cardboard to mark out the extent of a wooded area. This allows the trees to be moved about, making it easier to move figures.
Figure stands can be moved up and down hills where they are stepped. if the hill is not stepped then stands of figures cannot be moved upon them.
As you can see in the next photo, figures can only be moved on the stepped part of the hill, not where the hill sections are sandwiched.
Playing the historical battle.
* This is a Regimental level game. Some regiments were dispersed at the start. Those Regiments coming onto the table with stands in adjacent squares will attempt to remain together even on the diagonal.
* On the first two Game-Turns, the Confederates move first and fire first. The Confederates also get the Initiative Point.
* From the 3rd to the 8th Game-Turn, the Union player takes the Initiative Point although both sides throw a die to determine who starts the Game Turn [ and who wins any tied results].
All Infanty are treated as Line Infantry, therefore infantry stands can only move through the face of a square, not diagonally. The same rule applies for mounted cavalry.
Artillery and dismounted cavalrymen can be moved in any direction at a two square movement rate.
* Victory conditions;
After eight Game Turns, the Winner will be the side loosing the least number of stands