Monday, 8 February 2021

The Battle of Wilson's Creek; Missouri August 10th 1861

 This is my own interpretation of the battle so, any mistakes in the narrative are purely my own.

At this time. Missouri,s political direction was still undecided. There was an attempt by some members of the State Legislature to maintain Missouri as a neutral state. However there were those on both sides of the political divide who wanted the state within their sphere of influence and the manpower it could provide. 

The Army to defend the area was being gathered at Wilson's Creek. However a massive row and eventually, a civil riot broke out  over the  actions of Nathanial Lyon ( who was pro Union ) regarding the arrest of  some civilians.

Lyons himself ( who by nature was a real firebrand) bought things to a head when he declared war against some members of the Missouri state council by stating that Missouri should remain within the Union.

To that end Lyon gathered up as many Union sympathizers as he could. These men were organised into four brigades which Lyon eventually led to attack the Missouri state troops gathered at Wilsons creek. 

It is worth noting at this point that a fair number of troops gathered within Missouri  of both forces were wearing civilian clothing of a greyish colour because the troops of both sides had yet to be formally inducted into distinct organisations.

On the Confederate side a row ensued as to who was to command. Stirling Price was picked to command but he could not get along with Nicholas Pearce, the commander of the 1st Division. Pearce himself decided to work with McCulloch.

 Pearce also caused confusion, in that he was numbering units as they turned up at the muster point rather than follow the official listing.

( this is why there is the 3rd Arkansas Infantry and the 3rd Arkansas State Troops. Each was distinct from the other!).

Prior to the battle Lyon sent Franz Sigel and his second Brigade to circle East and attack the Confederate camp from the South while Lyon with the 1st, 3rd and 4th Brigades attacked from the North. Either Lyon was ignorant of the numbers he was going against or he thought the men encamped at Wilson's Creek would not put up much of a fight.

Either way he would have a battle on his hands!

Union Army; 5,404 = 5.404 points. x 6 = 32 points r/d.

1st Brigade;

General Samuel D. Sturgis   @ 1point.

2 stands of 3rd class Infantry  @ 1 point = 2 points.

1 stand of 3rd class Cavalry  @ 1 point.

2nd  Brigade;

General Franz Siegel  @  1 point.

2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 points.

1 stand of 3rd class cavalry  @ 1point.

General Nathanial Lyon ( C- in-C ) =2 points.

3rd  Brigade;

General George Andrews @ 1 point.

2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 points.

1 stand of Light Artillery @ 1 point.

4th  Brigade;

General George Deitzler @ 1 point.

4 stands of 1st class Line Infantry @ 3 points = 12 points.


Confederate Army ; 11,000 =11 points x 6 = 66 points.

McCulloch,s Division; (Yellow).

General Benjamin McCulloch  @ 1 point.

2 stands of  2nd class Line infantry @ 2 points = 4points.

3 stands of  2nd class Mounted Infantry @ 2 points = 6 points.

Pearce,s Division; (Green).

General Nicholas Bartlett Pearce  @  1 point.

3 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 6 points.

2 stands of 2nd class Cavalry @ 2 points = 4 points.

2 stands of Light Horse Artillery @ 1point = 2points.

Price,s Division: ( Light Red ).

General Sterling Price @ 1 point.

4 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 8 points.

1 stand of Light Artillery @ 1 point.

Cawthorns Cavalry Brigade;

Colonel James Cawthorn @ 1 point.

3 stands of 2nd class Cavalry @ 2 points = 6 points.

Combined 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th Division;

3rd Division;( Purple).

General John Bullock Clark Jnr  @ 1 point.

1 stand of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points.

1 stand of  2nd class Cavalry @ 2 points.

4th  Division: ( White).

General William Y. Slack @ 1 point.

2 stands of 2nd class Line Infantry @ 2 points = 4 points.

1 stand of  2nd class Cavalry  @ 2 points.

6th Division;( Orange).

General Moseby M. Parsons  @ 1 point.

1 stand  of 2nd class Line Infantry  @ 2 points.

1 stand of  2nd class Cavalry @ 2 points.

1 stand of Light Artillery  @ 1 point.

7th Division; ( Red ).

General James H. McBride @ 1 point.

2 stands of  2nd class Infantry  @ 2 points = 4 points.

1 stand of  2nd class Cavalry  @  2 points.

Special Rules;

● The Union Army keeps the Iniative Point for the entire battle. This is because there were regular troops present.

● On the first Game-Turn, the Union army moves first and fires first. For Game-Turns 2 until Game-Turn 8 both Players will roll a die as per the normal rules to decide which side goes first.

● Stands cannot be moved over or into any squares marked as " rough ground" of which there are five. Stands can still fire through the squares.

● Stands cannot be moved over or through any squares with a tent on it. Stands can still fire through the tented squares.

Skeggs Branch:  The battle took place across this stream. I don’t know how deep it is ( or was) but it did not seem to impede movement. Therefore stands can move and fire as normal while standing in the stream. Wilson’s Creek can only be crossed via the bridges.

Notes on the Cavalry: 

Any dismounted cavalrymen are 1 point less than when they are mounted. For Third Class cavalry at 1 point, the dismounted unit has no points, therefore it's just a die roll.

For firearms, the Cavalry use Pistols on horseback. Dismounted Cavalry use Carbines.

Dismounted cavalry can move in any direction.

The Artillery and Muskets:

I honestly don't know whether either army had true horse artillery so, when I fought this battle I assumed that being as both armies were not readily supplied with weapons, both sides would have smoothbore guns and muskets. Therefore;

● All muskets are two squares range as are cavalry carbines.

● All artillery have a four square range.

● Stands of artillery move at two squares in any direction. They can move and fire.

In the army list above and in previous battle descriptions I use 1st class, 2nd class etc. This is not a reflection of fighting ability. The description is used to label points to a stand and is also connected to the strength of the real units. The American Civil War did not have unit designations such as Guards, Dragoons etc.

However I've used the "Line" designation to show which stands can only move through the face of a square and those which can move in any direction.

The battle is played for eight Game-Turns. If the Union player still has stands on Oak Hill by the end of the Eighth Game-Turn the battle is a draw. The Confederates win if they can overcome the Union forces on Oak Hill by the end of the Eighth Game-Turn.

The Union Army can win by causing more casualties in stands  in the Confederate Army by the end of the Eighth Game- Turn.

Well, this is my presentation.The battle was played out on a 3 foot by 2 foot board ( 90 cm x 60cm) The figures in the photo are a mix of Peter Pig, Miniature Figurines and Essex. The flags are from Peter Pig. The tent lines are from Peter Pig.

The trees are from various manufactures. The hills were made by Brian at Essex. The road and rivers are made from thin card. The square bases are from picture framing card. The round bases are 40mm mdf  from Minibits.