This article is my personal interpretation of the battle. Any mistakes are my own.
The War of the Austrian Succession was not a straightforward affair. France and Spain were linked via their respective Monarchies. However, they did not always work together. France had been an enemy of the Hapsburg Monarchy for Decades. When Frederick of Prussia declared war on Austria, the French government saw a chance to humble their constant enemy by yoking themselves to the Prussian war wagon. However, Frederick was not adverse to dumping his Allies if it suited his plans.
Austria was allied to the Italian Kingdom of Piedmont in order to protect its possessions in Northern Italy. Having lost the battle of Bassignana, the Piedmontese army became besieged within its Cities by the French. There was no force capable of stopping the Spanish army from entering Milan, thereby taking Lombardy for their own. The Austrian General Lichtenstein promptly left the Piedmontese to their fate and made some hard marching eastward to Mantua before they were cut off from the homeland.
The Austrians were annoyed with Britain. This nation was not directly involved but King George was not only King of Great Britain, he was also Elector ( ruler ) of the Kingdom of Hanover. He disliked the Prussian King intensely. The British Government wanted to stop the French from gaining total control of the political situation in Europe. ( French was the diplomatic language of Europe. Even Frederick spoke better French than his native German).Therefore Britain was bankrolling Austria.
To combat French influence, Britain signed a secret alliance with Prussia. Part of this deal was to recognise Prussia’s conquest of Silesia. To that end, Britain was now putting pressure on the Empress of Austria to accept! Needless to say this went down like a lead balloon with the Austrian Monarchy. France was in the same situation, equally angry with the Prussian Kings duplicity!..
At this point of the war both France and Austria realising that their political situations were similar, started sending Envoys to each other’s Court. Having been major enemies for some five hundred years, they were now Allies!..
This was a huge upset to the established political order of the western Monarchies and became known as the “ Diplomatic Revolution”..
The two countries recruited Saxony to the cause. They then contacted the slumbering giant to the east…. Russia. The idea was that Austria and Russia distract the Prussian forces while Saxony invade Prussia. King Frederick was watching events with growing alarm.He desperately wanted his conquest of Silesia to be recognised by all of Europe. He was also uneasy about the possibility of Russian troops on Prussian soil.
As Frederick set his troops in motion, the Russians reneged on an agreement to support Saxony. ( At the Russian Court, the British Ambassador had managed to cast the French ambassador in a bad light and got him expelled thereby stalling any effort from that direction). Frederick moved his forces into Saxony and started taxing the populace!..
Austria was not prepared to countenance the loss of another ally. The Empress ordered Prince Charles to move the army into Saxony. The ruler, ( another Frederick ) was not the stamp of his father so, to strengthen his resolve, 46,000 Austrian troops lumbered into the Kingdom. Meanwhile, the Prussian General Prince Leopold leading 35,000 troops and King Frederick with another 25,000 were moving toward Dresden, the Saxon capital.
General Grunne,s advance guard of 10,000 Austrians managed to link up with the Saxon General Rutowski and his 28,000 men in order to defend the Saxon capital.
As these armies manoeuvred around in the bad weather trying to find each other, Prince Leopold’s Prussian troops blundered into the left flank of the Saxon army anchored on the village of Kesseldorf. After a number of attacks in difficult terrain the Prussian troops were repulsed. To get to the grips with the Saxons, the “ Old Dessaur “ ( the old warhorse) marched his army around to the front of the Saxon army positioned on the opposite ridge. Once the army was in position and only pausing to offer up a prayer, the Prince signalled the attack and the formations slipped and slithered down to the Zschoner Bach…..
THE SAXON ARMY = 28,000 = 28 pts:
13,600 Infantry = 13.6 or 14 pts r/u = 7 stands of Line Infantry @ 2pts.
4,896 Grenadier Infantry = 4.896 or 5 pts r/u = 2 stands of Grenadier Infantry @ 2 pts + General Rutowski @ 1pt.
1,600 Heavy Cavalry = 1.6 or 2 pts = 1 stand of Heavy Cavalry @ 2 pts.
1,200 Dragoons = 1.2 or 1 pt = 1 stand of Dragoons @ 1 point.
1,600 Chevau-Leger = 1.6 or 2 pts r/u = 2 stands of Chevau-Leger Cavalry @ 1 point.
( Chevau-Leger were a cheap form of Light Cavalry on ponies).
1 Regiment of 24 heavy guns each with 50 gunners along with 500 engineers/ miners:
24 x 50 gunners = 1,200 + 500 = 1,700 = 1.7 or 2 pts r/u = 1 stand of Heavy Artillery @ 2 pts.
33 Battalion Guns = 33 x 50 gunners = 1,650 = 1.650 pts or 2 pts r/u = 2 stands of Light Artillery @ 1 point.
AUSTRIAN ARMY 10,000 = 10 points:
4,000 Line Infantry = 4 points = 3 stands of Line Infantry @ 1 pt + 1 General ( Grunne ) @ 1 point.
864 Infantry Grenadiers = 0.864 pts = 1 point = 1 stand of Grenadier Infantry @ 1 point.
1,600 Grenz Infantry = 1,6 or 2 pts r/u = 2 stands of Light Infantry @ 1point.
1,600 Cavalry = 1.6 or 2 points = 2 stands of Dragoons @ 1 point.
12 Battalion Guns x 50 gunners = 600 = 0.600 pts = 1 pt r/u = 1 stand of Light Artillery @ 1 point.
PRUSSIAN ARMY: 35,000 = 35 pts.
21,000 Line Infantry = 20 points = 7 stands of Line Infantry @ 2 points + 2 stands of Grenadier Infantry @ 3 points + 1 General ( Prince Leopold of Anhalt Dessau ).
9,000 Cavalry = 9pts = 4 stands of Cavalry @ 2 pts ( 2 stands of Dragoons + 2 stands of Heavy Cavalry ) + 1 General @ 1 point. ( General Lewaldt ).
33 Field Guns x 50 gunners = 1,650 = 1.650 pts or 2 pts r/u = 1 stand of Heavy Artillery @ 2 points.
66 Battalion Guns x 50 gunners = 3,300 = 3.3 pts or 3pts r/d = 3 stands of Light Foot Artillery @ 1point.
Fighting The Battle :
* The Prussian Army moves first on the 1st Game-Turn. All other Game-Turns are diced for as usual.
* The Prussian Army retains the Initiative Point for the entire battle.
* The Prussian Army wins any tied results.
* All Cavalry move at 2 squares only.
* Artillery move at one square only.
* Kesseldorf is regarded as a FORTRESS WALL: Therefore the Attacker will deduct 3 points from all Die rolls on top of any other deductions.( example: 2 points for attacking uphill + a further 2 points. )
* The Zschoner Bach does not impede movement but stands cannot fire while positioned in the stream.
* The Elbe cannot be crossed by any stands.
* During the battle, the Saxon Grenadiers were more than holding their own within Kesseldorf. However, when the Prussians attacking the village retreated, the Genadiers left their positions to pursue them. This proved to be their undoing. Therefore:
* If any Prussian Stands are forced to “ move-back” as part of a close combat result on attacking Kesseldorf, the Saxon Grenadiers WILL BE MOVED TOWARD THEM. This action take place prior to the commencement of the next Game-Turn.
For some reason, the Austrians never moved from their position to aid the Saxons. However, players may wish to include them in the game. Therefore:
* At the start of Game- Turn 3 onward, If the Saxon player rolls a “1” during the roll to see who moves first he/ she may start moving the Austrians.
* The Saxon player may move EITHER the Saxons or the Austrians at the start of the Game-Turn. He/ she may not move both although ALL stands can fire and engage in Close Combat if able to do so. ( This is because there doesn’t seem to have been any cooperation between the two groups. )
I found that it is best to use the Morale system during this battle. The Saxon and Austrian Morale totals are kept separate.
* The battle will last until either:
A) one sides morale total collapses to Zero. The Austrians are Not included in this. Only the Saxons and the Prussians
B) At the end of 8 Game-Turns the side losing the most number of stands, looses the battle. ( In this situation the Saxons and Austrians Are added together.)
The figures are a mix of Miniature Figurines and Peter Pig. The commercial buildings are from Total Battle Miniatures and some are from a Bring and Buy of unknown provenance.
The fortress is from Battleground Miniatures ( which I think is owned by Caliver Books?). I converted one end with a gatehouse. The inner building is a vey old Grenadier Models Fantasy house.
The trees are from various manufacturers. The represented villages are scratchbuilt. The hills are partly homemade and commercially by Brian of Essex Miniatures.
The snowfield is all cardboard as is the river. The snow effect rocks are Christmas decor from Wilkinson ( before they went bust!)
As stated at the start of this blog the above is my personal interpretation of this battle. However should you wish to explore this battle further there is a book available( at the time of writing). The title is:
Kesseldorf 1745 Decision In The Fight For Silesia by Alexander Querengasser available from Helion and Co.