Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Table Top Battles 2nd Edition; The Addendum. 2025.

When I wrote Table Top Battles, I was quite happy with the result. As I,ve been writing the blogs, I,ve been adding extra rules either for general use or specific to a particular battle.

 I also made a couple of mistakes in that the TURN RECORD SHEET and the ROSTER SHEET could not be downloaded. The Map of ITALY had a number of inaccuracies that happened during my first attempt.

 This ADDENDUM is a round up of all the extra instructions that have appeared in the blogs, plus a rectification of those glitches. This is a free download and print out.

I,d like to stress that this IS NOT THE COMPLETE RULEBOOK.

To get the print-out, go to the HOME PAGE. On the right hand side of the screen go to the box entitled" ABOUT ME". At the bottom of that column is the prompt for the print out.

Just click on that to get the file. Obviously, the quality of the print-out depends on the printer being used ( mine is not brilliant). However all the information will be in one place.


  1. There is quite a lot to read there Mike - thanks for doing that. All saved to look through when I have a bit more time. Best wishes for 2025.

  2. Greetings Jim. Thank you. I made the Addendum a free download and print as people had already paid for the original. I expect there is something I missed but I’m happy to have the chance to round things off. All the best for the New Year.👍
    Mike Smith
